Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Listen ... God is Whispering

Listen ...
God is whispering.
Don't turn away. Stop!
Face the Eternal
let It see...
No longer separating
this from that
Let It whisper ...
Before the next word comes,
It is ... already present.
Each word is simply another net.
Another hopeless attempt to capture
what has already passed.
Another finger pointing ...
So see what came before
the word was given.
Hear what came before
the voice was heard.
This heart has an eye.
It's your eye ...
It's God's eye.
Close the gap between
what sees and what's seen ...
And you will already always know ...
Listen ...
God is whispering.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Here's the Secret

Every time you feel a negative reaction from someone, always check back to yourself as it's really a gift from the Eternal Vastness. Always check back to yourself ... and ask yourself:
How was my communication? Was I clear and honest or was I out of integrity?
Was I annoyed about something the person did as I spoke to them?
Did what I say have a negative charge in some way, even if the words themselves didn't?
We are all incredibly sensitive beings and there's immense learning available in every encounter and exchange with each other.
If a negative charge is perceived, turn it around ... Turn it around and take 100% responsibilty for it ... for your portion of the exchange.
You ultimately are 100% responsible anyway, even if you were not annoyed and the other person simply misunderstood or misinterpreted you ... how you react or respond though, is 100% your responsibility. It's the difference between acting out of awareness and (re)acting out of unconsciousness ... It's the difference between acting out of love and acting out of fear.
Here lies the Ultimate Secret:
You are 100% responsible for your own world and every one else is 100% responsible for their own world.
And the Secret is in fact a Gift.
Honour it ... Treasure it ... Practice it.
It's infectious and very contageous ... Share it and watch awareness and love grow in you and the world around you.
You are 100% responsible!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No Hope ... No Fear

No hope ... No fear
Just This ...
No hope ... No fear
Just This ...
No attachment ...
No aversion ...
Just This ...
Just This .... as it is
Pure ... clear ... real ...
true ... lasting ...
Just This ... Just This ...
As it is.
Sitting in This all can be accomplished with ease, as the Unity, beyond duality, beyond hope and fear ... This as it is, does it.
This too is not quite so. From This, it's already done ... it's this simple.
Pure effort is no effort at all. Without the two unconscious flows, the pull and the push ... the hope and the fear ... it always already is!
This is the miracle of manifestation: To be able to sit in this place of pre-thought ... pre-feeling, in this Empty Cognizance and simply be awake and aware of all and everything ... the next step will take care of itself ... naturally ... without any need of hope or fear.
This will allow for the process of pure manifestation to take place.
If we simply sit in the Eternal Vastness we quickly come to see that any manifesting from hope or fear always leads to suffering. Always ... Why?
To hope is to wish it to be something other than what is, so we reconstuct what already is into something else ... one step removed from Truth, from what is real, thus creating karma, thus creating effects that need to be dealt with in some future moment.
And to fear is to wish it to be something other than what is, but in the opposite direction ... pushing ourselves away from what we imagine the manifested outcome to be, yet is not. Thus, also creating karma to be dealt with in some future moment.
To sit in Eternal Vastness, as Eternal Vastness ... only what's True, Real and Lasting is and always will be ... even through our manifestations, as we have not allowed the pull and push of our hopes and fears to take charge. It is this simple.
With each breath, we choose the life we live. From Eternal Vastness, as Eternal Vastness the shadows of hope and fear don't exist. Yet, the miracle is that we still can and do function in the world as before ... better than before simply because Empty Cognizance becomes ... not hope or fear.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It Never Leaves Us

Have you lost sight of why ...
Just why you are here?
Have you forgotten your life's purpose?
It's so very easy to forget ...
To lose ourselves in our becoming.
But why have we chosen to become?
Why are we here?
This question sits burning in our belly.
It lays dormant at times
and at other times it's fully aflame.
But it never leaves us.
Every step we take is towards the answer
even when we face the opposite direction
The answer to Why?
It can't be said
It can't be spoken.
Yet we can know it
directly know it
by seeing it
by being it.
This is the only purpose of our becoming.
To recognise what lays
at the heart of all things ...
And ... it won't leave you alone
until you face this question squarely ...
Even then, it will continue to inform you.
To plumb even deeper.
For to Know has no bounds.
Becoming is the joyous expression
of that which always is.
Ah ... such joy ...
To see ...
To know ...
To be ...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Always Ride out in Clarity

It's important to never come out of meditation or a spiritual exercise riding a thought ... caught in the content of the mind. It's vital that we exit consciously. This is the only way to develop mastery. Coming out with clear intent leads to the freedom that is available beyond the good and bad, the like and dislike, the lost and found department that is our mind.
Riding out in a thought can hold us captive in/by that thought. Riding out in clarity and freedom allows for what is ... to be.
It's a subtle trap yet a huge one that has held us in samsara for countless eons. We ourselves create our own self-made prisons, our little cells of likes and dislikes, and never come close to real freedom.
Yet in truth, we are always already free, but forsake this freedom by believing in the false reality of our imagined world.
Outside of thought immense love, joy and presence always abides. This is here and available always, yet we let ourselves fall into the snare of our thinking.
In reality, we are the Eternal Vastness ... always already free and fully awake.
Seeing from This ... not falling into the throng of forgetfullness, this lost and found department of our minds ... we see, know and be ... and we are This.
If we find ourselves in contraction and suffering, the simple way back to our innate awakened nature is to first realise we are temporarily caught in a thought ... then to take a breath and watch carefully, allowing for the thought to dissipate ... by not feeding it more thoughts but by simply letting it rise and naturally fall away. Then releasing, we simply allow for what inevitably always takes place when thought dissipates ... we simply allow for the forever here, pure and natural, wakeful presence, unformed and unmanifest ... to be.
It's always already here anyway. All we've done id let thought be ... and allowed its natural end to occur ... then watch carefully for what is already present to be "seen".
This unconditioned, clear pure Eternal Vastness is always here ... we simply choose to not go into what appears to be, by allowing for what truly is ... to be. This is the only way to freedom.

"Enlightenment is just knowing what is.
That is called sahaja, which means 'natural',
it means just seeing clearly."
Swami Dayanda Saraswati

Saturday, October 17, 2009

When Things get Dark

When things get dark, it's only clouds in the sky obscuring the light and warmth of the sun ... When things get dark it's not any less true or real ... Simply allow "this", whatever it may be to exist. Allowing it releases any fixation, any clinging, any fleeing ... any wanting to change it.
What "sees" and "allows" all this to be is the contemplation here at all times. What sees and allows This, just as it is?
It's simple.
Pull back your attention, just a little ... and everything shifts.
Away from the clouds, up and back to the Open Sky. This Eternal Vastness holds and contains it all ... absolutely all of it ...Simply pull out, back and up ... and see the freedom that always is, in simply allowing for what is, to be.
It may not feel good, it may not be nice but it is what is ... allow it and you'll very naturally "see" from what you really are.
The darkness is a state, as is the light but what embraces both is not - It's never changing, always present, eternal, free, spacious and all knowing. This that allows all things to be is beyond good and bad. This ... beyond the pull of opposing forces is always free, always at peace, always present ... and This is you!

"The Chinese thrush sings in my heart and grey clouds gather in the empty sky of my mind."
Robert Aiken Roshi

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thou Art That

Thou art that - tat tvam asi.
Not the "little me" that we are so identified with but the One looking through these eyes, the subtle essence of our own being ... the Eternal Vastness, that supreme identity, the One.
Ken Wilber articulates this beautifully, "For in the entire Cosmos, there is only one Self; in the entire Cosmos, there is only one Spirit - and thus the Self that is reading this page is exactly the Self that wrote it."
This is not an intellectual understanding.
Wilber invites us to enter deeply:
"Do you recognise the Timeless One, even here and now, that is spontaneously aware of all of this? If so, please tell me, Who and what are you, when you are deeper within? Clouds pass by, feelings pass by, thoughts pass by - but what in you does not pass by? Do you see that One? Can you say its name?"
This is the search for what is True, Real and Lasting. It's the search we are all on, knowingly or otherwise. But, in truth, only when the search is undertaken knowingly does the journey really begin. Until this moment, it is all simply foreplay. When we have finally reached that point where nothing, absolutely nothing makes sense anymore, when there is nowhere left to hide, where no other distraction will suffice ... this place called the Well of Despair, only when we reach here are we ready to begin the ascent/descent through the gateless gate into our own true nature. Only now are we ripe enough to fall off the tree of life and allow for the slow death of our limited identity to take hold ... only now are we ready to see our True Face, to begin to discover what was always already here - the Eternal Vastness that we really are.
This and only This will satisfy the quest for what is True, Real and Lasting, for only This ... only This is.